Fabrizio Saccomanni was a member of the Collegio di Indirizzo of Bologna Business School, and a year after his demise, the School wishes to honor his memory with 3 scholarships for participants to the Finance and Fintech Master‘s.
Fabrizio Saccomanni worked for the International Monetary Fund, for Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy) of which he subsequently became General Director. He has held several top positions at national and international economic institutions. He then served as Minister of Economy and Finances in Italy. Then he was appointed Chairman of the Unicredit bank.
Bologna Business School remembers him having had the privilege of appreciating his professional, scientific and human qualities, in particular during the activities of the Collegio di Indirizzo, which Fabrizio Saccomanni was a member of.
The Fabrizio Saccomanni scholarships amount to 14,800 Euro each (equal to100% of the enrollment fee) and will be awarded to the top 3 participants in the selections for the Finance and Fintech Master’s at BBS. The deadline for submitting the application is September 28th, 2020.
The Finance and Master’s is an innovative program lasting one year, in English. The degree is issued by the University of Bologna.